Grow your Stock Market Trading career with us!

Our Courses

Cover Every Trading Points To Learn

Our Courses


Our program combines expert insights with practical knowledge, to make informed investment decisions.

Module 1

Introduction to stock market

Module 2

Understanding trading &
technical analysis

Module 3

Introduction To Options

Module 4

Trade & Risk Management

Module 5

Market Psychology & Fear

Module 6 & 7

Live Trading & Trading system & Apps

Our Courses


Our program combines expert insights with practical knowledge, to make informed investment decisions.

Online Courses

  • Live Trading Sessions
  • Duration 3 months
  • Recording will be provided 
  • 10 -15 Members in one Batch.
  • 3 Classes per week (Alternate Days)

Offline Courses

  • Live Trading & Training Sessions
  • Duration 3 months
  • 20 -25 Members in one Batch.
  • 3 Classes per week (Alternate Days)
  • Lifetime Support.
  • Study Material Provided.

One 2 One Personal Mentorship (Online + Offline)

  • Lifetime Membership
  • Extra Live strategies.
  • Live Trading Sessions.
  • Personal Assistance.
  • Live Market Trading.
  • Study Material.
  • 3 Classes per week.(2 hrs)


Latest Articles & Blogs

At IASM, we believe that financial empowerment begins with knowledge. Our blog is designed to be your go-to resource for all things related to stocks, investments, and the ever-evolving world of finance.

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